Monday, February 2, 2009

Second Night...

So last night (our second night with Jackson) was much much better. I should thank mom for the advice on moving the crate/kennel closer to the bed. I put Jackson (and the surrounding kennel) right beside me so that I could put my hand down by him anytime he got fussy. We went to bed around 8, although I stayed up to watch the end of the superbowl. While I remember waking up many times throughout the night, I don't remember any excessive barking or whining at anytime during the night. Around 4 it was getting pretty clear that we were approaching the limit, so I took him outside and he quickly went to business. He was very frisky after this, but it was time for me to get ready for work. I am not sure how the rest of Jennifer's morning has gone (I suspect not so well considering the "frisky factor"), but at least the night was much more reasonable.



  1. Glad things went is sure hard to work with little/no sleep. He will probably do better each night. HOWEVER, since you will be at work all day (and that's a LONG time for a puppy to be bored) you will probably have to really play hard to wear him out tonight. He will recoop from that all too fast and be ready to play again .....most likely in the middle of the night!

  2. Good thing you are coming over to watch Lucas tonight...he can help in the wearing puppy out plan! (Which is mutually good since it also helps to wear Lucas out--he woke up at SIX am this morning which wears ME out!!) I got some good pics of Jackson and tried to email them to you guys, but my computer wouldn't attach them (files too big) so tonight we can burn them to a CD for you to take home. Don't let me forget!
